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Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases


Experimental co-infection of calves with SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron variants of concern.
Free PMC article.
Cool K, Gaudreault NN, Trujillo JD, Morozov I, McDowell CD, Bold D, Kwon T, Balaraman V, Assato P, Madden DW, Mantlo E, Souza-Neto J, Matias-Ferreyra F, Retallick J, Singh G, Schotsaert M, Carossino M, Balasuriya UBR, Wilson WC, Pogranichniy RM, García-Sastre A, Richt JA.
ACE2 and TMPRSS2 distribution in the respiratory tract of different animal species and its correlation with SARS-CoV-2 tissue tropism.
Carossino M, Izadmehr S, Trujillo JD, Gaudreault NN, Dittmar W, Morozov I, Balasuriya UBR, Cordon-Cardo C, García-Sastre A,Richt JA.Microbiol Spectr. 2024 Feb 6;12(2):e0327023. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.03270-23. Epub 2024 Jan 17.PMID:38230954
Pigs are highly susceptible to but do not transmit mink-derived highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade
Kwon T, Trujillo JD, Carossino M, Lyoo EL, McDowell CD, Cool K, Matias-Ferreyra FS, Jeevan T, Morozov I, Gaudreault NN, Balasuriya UBR, Webby RJ, Osterrieder N, Richt JA.
Experimental Inoculation of Pigs with Monkeypox Virus Results in Productive Infection and Transmission to Sentinels.
Mantlo E, Trujillo JD, Gaudreault NN, Morozov I, Lewis CE, Matias-Ferreyra F, McDowell C, Bold D, Kwon T, Cool K, Balaraman V, Madden D, Artiaga B, Souza-Neto J, Doty JB, Carossino M, Balasuriya U, Wilson WC, Osterrieder N, Hensley L, Richt JA.
Rift Valley Fever virus M and L genome segment detection: a comparison of field-deployable reverse transcription insulated isothermal PCR (RT-iiPCR) and laboratory-based multiplex reverse transcription real-time PCR.
Trujillo JD, Wilson WC, Craig A, Van den Bergh C, Wang T, Thompson P, Swanepoel R, Morozov I, Richt JA.
Molecular Characterisation and Antibody Response to Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Vaccinated and Infected Cattle in Turkey.
Aydin O, Yilmaz A, Turan N, Richt JA, Yilmaz H.
Gene editing of pigs to control influenza A virus infections.
Kwon T, Artiaga BL, McDowell CD, Whitworth KM, Wells KD, Prather RS, Delhon G, Cigan M, White SN, Retallick J, Gaudreault NN, Morozov I, Richt JA.
Rift Valley Fever.
Kimble JB, Noronha L, Trujillo JD, Mitzel D, Richt JA, Wilson WC.
Rift Valley Fever virus M and L genome segment detection: a comparison of field-deployable reverse transcription insulated isothermal PCR (RT-iiPCR) and laboratory-based multiplex reverse transcription real-time PCR.
Trujillo JD, Wilson WC, Craig A, Van den Bergh C, Wang T, Thompson P, Swanepoel R, Morozov I,Richt JA
Development and optimization of sampling techniques for environmental samples from African swine fever virus-contaminated surfaces with no organic contaminants.
Kwon T, Gebhardt JT, Lyoo EL, Gaudreault NN, Trujillo JD, Woodworth JC, Paulk CB, Jones CK,Richt JA
Brain invasion of bovine coronavirus: molecular analysis of bovine coronavirus infection in calves with severe pneumonia and neurological signs.
Yilmaz SG, Aydin O, Tali HE, Karadag G, Sonmez K, Bayraktar E, Yilmaz A, Turan N, Mutlu Z, Iqbal M,Richt JA, Yilmaz H.
Rift Valley Fever Phlebovirus Reassortment Study in Sheep.
Balaraman V, Indran SV, Kim IJ, Trujillo JD, Meekins DA, Shivanna V, Zajac MD, Urbaniak K, Morozov I, Sunwoo SY, Faburay B, Osterrieder K, Gaudreault NN, Wilson WC, Richt JA.
Detection and characterization of H5N1 HPAIV in environmental samples from a dairy farm.
Singh G, Trujillo JD, McDowell CD, Matias-Ferreyra F, Kafle S, Kwon T, Gaudreault NN, Fitz I, Noll L, Morozov I, Retallick J, Richt JA.
Outcome of H5N1 clade virus infection in calves and lactating cows.
Halwe NJ, Cool K, Breithaupt A, Schön J, Trujillo JD, Nooruzzaman M, Kwon T, Ahrens AK, Britzke T, McDowell CD, Piesche R, Singh G, Dos Reis VP, Kafle S, Pohlmann A, Gaudreault NN, Corleis B, Ferreyra FM, Carossino M, Balasuriya UBR, Hensley L, Morozov I, Covaleda LM, Diel D, Ulrich L, Hoffmann D, Beer M, Richt JA.
H5N1 clade dynamics in experimentally infected calves and cows.

Halwe NJ, Cool K, Breithaupt A, Schön J, Trujillo JD, Nooruzzaman M, Kwon T, Ahrens AK, Britzke T, McDowell CD, Piesche R, Singh G, Pinho Dos Reis V, Kafle S, Pohlmann A, Gaudreault NN, Corleis B, Ferreyra FM, Carossino M, Balasuriya UBR, Hensley L, Morozov I, Covaleda LM, Diel D, Ulrich L, Hoffmann D, Beer M, Richt JA.

Nature. 2024 Sep 25. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08063-y. Online ahead of print.PMID: 39321846

Bovine Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Stability and Inactivation in the Milk Byproduct Lactose.

Kwon T, Gebhardt JT, Lyoo EL, Nooruzzaman M, Gaudreault NN, Morozov I, Diel DG, Richt JA.

Bovine highly pathogenic avian influenza virus stability and inactivation in the milk byproduct lactose.

Kwon T, Gebhardt JT, Lyoo EL, Nooruzzaman M, Gaudreault NN, Morozov I, Diel DG, Richt JA.

Bison, Elk, and Other Captive Wildlife Species Humoral Immune Responses against SARS-CoV-2.

Ardalan M, Cool K, Gaudreault NN, Bold D, Rojas C, Mannix A, Seetahal J, Richt JA, Pogranichniy RM.

Adjuvant Use of the Invariant-Natural-Killer-T-Cell Agonist α-Galactosylceramide Leads to Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease in Influenza-Vaccinated Pigs.

Artiaga BL, Madden D, Kwon T, McDowell C, Keating C, Balaraman V, de Carvahlo Madrid DM, Touchard L, Henningson J, Meade P, Krammer F, Morozov I, Richt JA, Driver JP.


Generation and Genetic Stability of a PolX and 5' MGF-Deficient African Swine Fever Virus Mutant for Vaccine Development.


Pérez-Núñez D, Madden DW, Vigara-Astillero G, Meekins DA, McDowell CD, Libanori-Artiaga B, García-Belmonte R, Bold D, Trujillo JD, Cool K, Kwon T, Balaraman V, Morozov I, Gaudreault NN, Revilla Y, Richt JA.

Experimental co-infection of calves with SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron variants of concern.
Cool K, Gaudreault NN, Trujillo JD, Morozov I, McDowell CD, Bold D, Kwon T, Balaraman V, Assato P, Madden DW, Mantlo E, Souza-Neto J, Matias-Ferreyra F, Retallick J, Singh G, Schotsaert M, Carossino M, Balasuriya UBR, Wilson WC, Pogranichniy RM, García-Sastre A, Richt JA.
Cattle, sheep, and goat humoral immune responses against SARS-CoV-2.
Ardalan M, Cool K, Gaudreault NN, Bold D, Mannix A, Hanzlicek GA, Richt JA, Pogranichniy RM.
Detection of SARS-CoV-2- specific antibodies in domestic cats using different ELISA tests.
Lopez KP, Cool KR, Bold D, Gaudreault NN, Roberts BA, Maag E, Richt JA, Pogranichniy RM.
Low Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Farmed and Free-Ranging White-Tailed Deer in Florida.
Grace SG, Wilson KN, Dorleans R, White ZS, Pu R, Gaudreault NN, Cool K, Campos Krauer JM, Franklin LE, Clemons BC, Subramaniam K, Richt JA, Lednicky JA, Long MT, Wisely SM.