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Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases



1800 Denison Ave
Mosier Hall, Room P200
Manhattan, KS  66506

785-532-3373 fax

Jessie Trujillo

Senior Research Associate
Email: jdtrujillo@vet.k-state.edu
Phone: (785) 532-4408
BS,Colorado State University
DVM, Colorado State University
PhD and Anatomical Pathology Residency, Washington State University
Area of Specialization: Dr. Jessie D. Trujillo is an infectious disease specialist formally trained as a veterinary anatomical pathologist with practical experience as a clinical microbiologist and veterinary diagnostician. Her major areas of interest and expertise include high consequence animal and zoonotic pathogens. Her basic science research work focuses on immunology and the pathogenesis of infectious agents, while translational work includes vaccine and diagnostic assay development and translation.