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Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases



1800 Denison Ave
Mosier Hall, Room P200
Manhattan, KS  66506

785-532-3373 fax

Natasha Gaudreault

Research Assistant Professor
Lab Manager
Email: nng5757@vet.k-state.edu
Education:  BS, Biology, Kansas State University, 2002-2006
PhD, Molecular Biology/Microbiology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006-2011
Postdoc, Microbiologist, USDA, Arthropod-Borne Animal Disease Research Unit, 2011-2015
Area of Research at Richt Lab : African swine fever virus and Rift Valley fever virus.  Interests include the study of viral-host interactions in viral pathogenesis and immunity as well as diagnostics and vaccine development.